natural health, Parenting

Some days are stroller days 

When dealing with autoimmunity, balance is pretty important. You don't want to overdo your exercise, but that's not an excuse to just let it go. Today was a stroller day. I love wearing my little one close and try to do it as often as I can, but I also recognize the fact that it… Continue reading Some days are stroller days 

Food, natural health, supplements

NingXia Red Popsicles

Just sharing a recipe I made the other day,  knowing that this week was going to be very hot. This is a really nice way to get Big Brother his NingXia serving and keep him cool at the same time. Plus, he thinks it's super special - win!  This recipe makes four popsicles, with 1oz… Continue reading NingXia Red Popsicles

Internal ramblings, Slightly random

Bouchers do the beach!

We have arrived, and it is going to be a great week. We love coming here (it's a family place) and the vibe is just what we all need right now...a nice healthy dose of toes-in-the-sand fun. In fact, barely five minutes after we got out of the car, Big Brother was in his suit… Continue reading Bouchers do the beach!

essential oils, Food, natural health, outdoors, YL promotions

Making my own sunshine

Happy first of May, everyone! I was feeling a little sluggish due to some cloudy weather and a "mostly cloudy, some rain" forecast for the week, so I'm making up for it with a can-do attitude and some cheerful essential oils in the diffuser. Nothing is getting me down this week! Here's what's on tap… Continue reading Making my own sunshine

Internal ramblings, Slightly random


This happens to me sometimes. Much less frequently these days, but still...I have found myself having difficulty falling asleep the past few days, especially tonight. Perhaps it's time to get my thyroid levels looked at. Perhaps I'm just a chronic over-thinker. In any case, I was lying in bed with my boys on either side… Continue reading Insomnia?

essential oils, Kid quotes, Parenting

Child’s play

Big Brother enjoys playing with swords. Soft of course, but swords (and light sabers) are a very big hit right now. As we were playing today, I got both of his legs in one go because he let his focus wander. "Oh no, I've chopped your legs off! Whatever will you do?!" I exclaim. "I… Continue reading Child’s play

Crafting, natural health, Slightly random

Healthy New Year!

I'm not big on "New Year's Resolutions". I do love goal-setting, and for me it's a much more practical way to view the upcoming year. I enjoy making lists (which is a coping mechanism because I tend to forget things) and writing down my goals, because it helps to keep myself accountable and motivated. So… Continue reading Healthy New Year!