Parenting, Slightly random

Breastfeeding joys

I'm about to talk about breastfeeding. If this bothers you, please read one of my past posts or go check out another blog. I won't hold it against you.  It's 11:30 pm and I am feeling very happy right now. After a long day of travel for a family wedding (7 hours in the car,… Continue reading Breastfeeding joys

essential oils, Parenting

Teething blues

It's amazing how different each child is from the next. This is our second teething baby (toddler, at this point, but I'm in denial) and how different it is! Big Brother was fairly peaceful about it; a little Camilia and his amber necklace was generally all he needed.  Little Brother...well, he seems to have a few… Continue reading Teething blues

Internal ramblings, Parenting

Let them eat [milk]!

I'm not a fan of the catchphrase "breast is best!" being shouted from the rooftops by people who think babies should only be fed breastmilk. It perpetuates the polarization of mothers: breastmilk vs formula, instead of just supporting one another in parenthood, which is a tough enough job to begin with. That being said, I… Continue reading Let them eat [milk]!