Food, natural health, Uncategorized

Officially Summer

We unpacked the ice cream machine yesterday. Two batches have been made, both dairy-free, one egg-free (and of course both gluten-free, as goes with everything here). I got both recipes from Danielle Walker's first cookbook, Against All Grain. You can find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, along with her other two wonderful cookbooks. … Continue reading Officially Summer

natural health, Parenting

Some days are stroller days 

When dealing with autoimmunity, balance is pretty important. You don't want to overdo your exercise, but that's not an excuse to just let it go. Today was a stroller day. I love wearing my little one close and try to do it as often as I can, but I also recognize the fact that it… Continue reading Some days are stroller days 

around the home, Parenting


I'm going to be reading Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and putting it into practice soon. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but after a peaceful week at a simple beach house, I was pushed over the edge from "want to" into "let's get it done already". We came home… Continue reading Simplifying 

outdoors, Parenting, Uncategorized

A Snowy Day

"Brace for Brutal Cold: Arctic Blast Invades the US" Well, it looks like the Northeast won't be experiencing this particular "Arctic Blast", but we did wake up to snow! Though it is forecast to warm up, I'm hoping the lovely frosted look doesn't disappear as they predict. There's something so beautiful about snuggling with my… Continue reading A Snowy Day

outdoors, Parenting, Slightly random, YL promotions

What I’ve Been Up To

December is a pretty busy month for many people, the Bouchers included. We have multiple family birthdays (one of us, and several relatives) and Christmas (and all of the associated preparations). I tend to knit like a fiend during the fall and December, and since going gluten-free, I have developed the habit of testing recipes… Continue reading What I’ve Been Up To

Food, natural health, supplements

Healthy habits

It can be so easy this time of year to lose track of your wellness regimen. You start off strong, with all the best intentions to keep ahead of the germs that get passed around, and to restrain yourself from overindulgence when holiday treats abound. But all too often, the comforts of past habits sneak… Continue reading Healthy habits

Kid quotes, Parenting

Destruction and Peace

"Do you like this wall, Mama? If you take a picture of it, can I knock it down?" I have made it clear not to knock things down immediately after we finish building them (the better to appreciate our handiwork). Though apparently if I take a picture, that idea is moot. I understand that kids like to… Continue reading Destruction and Peace